Adding products to categories

Categories are an important part of the navigation of your online store. Create categories to help your customers quickly find what they're looking for, and assign products to categories.

To add products to a category

  1. Create your Categories. 
  2. On the left menu of the Back Office go to SHOP > Products > Products and click the product you want to work with.
  3. In the CATEGORIES section click Select category to specify the category or categories category.
  4. A pop-up window displays. Select the categories you want to add. You can add products to any number of categories. 
    Note: You can remove an existing category from a product by simply unselecting the category in the pop-up window.
  5. Save your changes.

To add products to a category using Bulk action

You can also add multiple products to a category using the Bulk action function.

  1. Create your Categories 
  2. On the left menu of the Back Office go to SHOP > Products > Products.
  3. In the Product table, select the products that you want to add.
  4. Click the checkbox icon at the top-left of the Product table.
  5. Open the Bulk actions drop-down menu and select Add category.
  6. From the pop-up window that displays, select or type-in the category that you want to add the products to.
  7. Click Save.