What is Tier level pricing module?

Setup multiple tiers of pricing made available to certain customers (based on account type) Speak with AE sales if interested in setting tier pricing based on customer account types.

In AE admin, pricing tiers are setup via discount levels, account types and additional site pricing rows. To start, AE support will setup the necessary discount levels, account types and site pricing rows to accomplish the setup you’re looking for.

Once setup, you’ll be able to manage each tiers pricing via Catalog>>Products>>Pricing. Here there will be a list of sites setup in your system (including the sites specific setup to manage tier pricing). Simply click “Manage Site Pricing” for the pricing tier you want to edit and you’ll be able to set the price, sale price and sale status of each product in your catalog for that pricing tier.

Each pricing tier will be setup (by AE admin) and related to a specific account type. AE support can setup as many tiers as you want, then you simply assign the appropriate account type to the customer accounts you want to use a particular tier. For example, you may have an account type setup for wholesalers which will use a wholesale pricing tier, so to get that pricing to show for the correct accounts you’d simply assign the wholesaler account type to the appropriate accounts.