What are the other Services that AdVision offers?
AdVision designs and customizes e-commerce web stores on a variety of platforms and can be connected to various point-of-sale applications or administered independently.
Our web stores can be fully customized to meet our client's design requirements and functionality via a selection of add-on / plugin modules, that enhance the sites owner's access to self administer other content pages over and above the products within the point-of-sale.
AdVison Services : advision-ecommerce.com
PCI Compliant Hosting - Trustwave Certified PCI Compliant Hosting for Secure Online transactions
SSL Certificates - Installed to ensure HTTPS (secure) channel access to payment processor
Security Scanning - 24/7 scanning for hack attempts, malware with removal support
eCommerce Web Store Design & Development - Modern & Contemporary designs, that value adds to your viewers perception
Add-On Functionality - Module based add ons, allow for more interactive viewers experience and owners self-administrative control
Custom Programming - You think of it, or have seen it somewhere, we can likely build it
Search Engine Optimization - Assures your web store, website or blog have been optimized and registered with Google
Support - Big or small jobs, we offer eCommerce platform support
Contact : 866 865 8783 or info@advision-ecommerce.com for detail
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