Moneris Checkout Manual (English)


Once installed and setup, the Moneris Checkout payment integration app will allow your site to offer Moneris Checkout as a payment option in your eCom checkout process.

Follow instructions in Lightspeed eCom to purchase the Moneris Checkout app from the App Marketplace.  During install, you'll be forwarded to our app management site to either login to an existing account (if you've purchased a Lightspeed eCom app from AdVision before) OR create a new account with AdVision to install and manage this and any future apps you may purchase.

Once you've created an account or logged into your existing account, the app installs automatically, after which you'll be forwarded to the shops list, which displays a list of Lightspeed eCom shops registered with your account and any apps installed with those shops.  

To manage this app, click on "Moneris Checkout" under the appropriate shop.  This will take you to the settings for the app.


Within settings, you can control:

General Settings

  1. Display - Enter the label you'd like this payment option to show as within your eCom checkout. A common choose for this is "Pay by Credit Card"
  2. Active - determines if this Moneris Checkout should show in your checkout as a payment option.  Check this box and save changes to show, uncheck box and save changes to hide.
  3. Icon - set the icon you'd like to show with the payment option in eCom checkout.
  4. Mode - if you want to perform test transactions with Moneris, set mode to Test.  If you want to take real payments, set mode to Live. 

API Settings

For more information on obtaining your test or live account credentials, please see reach out to Moneris support or contact them on their support number: 1-866-319-7450.

  1. Test Checkout ID - enter the checkout ID for the test Moneris Checkout configuration you've setup.
  2. Test Store ID - enter the store ID for your test Moneris account
  3. Test API Token - enter the API token from your test Moneris account
  4. Production Checkout ID - enter the checkout ID for the live Moneris Checkout configuration you've setup.
  5. Production Store ID - enter the store ID for your live Moneris account
  6. Production API Token - enter the API token from your live Moneris account

Payment Page Display

For more information on the configuring your Moneris Checkout display, please see check with Moneris support or contact them on their support number: 1-866-319-7450.

  1. Using Full Screen Checkout - check this box if you've setup your Moneris Checkout configuration to display in full screen mode.
  2. Window Width - if your Moneris Checkout configuration is set to not use full screen, enter the width for the container that will show the Moneris content.  You can enter a percentage (e.g. "90%") or a fixed value with your preferred unit of measurement (e.g. "600px" for 600 pixels)
  3. Window Width - if your Moneris Checkout configuration is set to not use full screen, enter the height for the container that will show the Moneris content.  You can enter a fixed value with your preferred unit of measurement (e.g. "600px" for 600 pixels)

Payment Page Functionality

  1. Randomize Order ID - Moneris Checkout will throw an error if a user attempts to submit a payment for the same order ID more than once.  If you'd like to avoid this error, you can check this box and a timestamp will be added to the order ID to randomize it, allowing multiple payments to be submitted against the same order ID.

Page Settings (optional)

  1. Logo URL - Provide full (absolute) URL (web address) to the logo you'd like to display on any of this app's loading page.
  2. Background Color - Select the background color you'd like for any of this app's loading page. 
  3. Text Color - Select the text color you'd like to use for any text displayed on this app's loading page. 
  4. Custom CSS - Only for users with advanced experience working in CSS code. Any CSS provided here will load on any of the app's loading page.   Warning: improper use of this field may cause the app to not function correctly. 
  5. Custom Javascript - Only for users with advanced experience working in Javascript. Any Javascript provided here will load on any of the app's loading page.  Warning: improper use of this field may cause the app to not function correctly. 

If you make any changes to any of these settings fields, be sure to click "Save Settings" button to save those changes.

Translations (optional)

If you'd like to change the text that displays on any of the app's payment page, click on the "Translations" tab.  This will take you to a list of text that you can enter translations for in any of the supported languages.  Each piece of text has a default value, but you can override that value by entering your own into the message's translation field.  Be sure to click the "Save Changes" button after you enter/change any translations.

Special Translations

There are two translation records that communicate with Moneris when their is a shipping amount for an order:

  1. Shipping Cost Description: defaults to "Shipping Cost" and is sent as the description of the shipping cost "item" to Moneris
  2. Shipping Cost SKU: defaults to "shipping-cost", but can be updated to whatever you like.  This is the SKU of the shipping cost "item" sent to Moneris.

If you want to set the above translations to different values for different languages, you're free to do so.  They are only descriptive texts that will show for the shipping cost item when Moneris displays items for the order.

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