The Imperial Theme Manual (English)



Table Of Contents

Setting Up Product Ads

Contemporary design, The Imperial by AdVision is one of the most 'modern' themes available for the SEO Shop/Lightpeed eCom platform and it is a fully responsive, for smaller mobile devices and expands to the full width of any desktop monitor.

'Bigger is Better' as The Imperial features significantly larger product images, beautiful roll over effects that incentivize your visitors interaction.


All views Autocomplete search with product thumbnails

All views Sticky header

All views Mega Menu

All views Add to Cart animation

All views Live chat

Homepage Top Banner Supports Image Slides or Video

Homepage Social media feeds

Homepage/ Grid Product hover /quick view function

Grid/Category View mode switch

If you require any other ‘online’ customization services or hosting, outside of your SEOshop

E-commerce web store theme, please don’t hesitate to contact the AdVision eCommerce Developement Team.

Contact :
Website :
Telephone : 
866 865 8783 

AdVision eCommerce - Suite 1402 - Office 327, 347 Fifth Ave. New York NY 10016

Below you will find a list of options available in terms of the areas of the theme you have the capability to update per your preference.


  1. Logo
    Upload your logo (in PNG image format) to be shown in the header of the theme. Recommended size 260 x 60 pixels.

  2. Favicon
    Upload company favicon. The favicon is a small icon image shown at the top of the browser window/tab. See for more information on creating a favicon for your website

  3. Home Logo
    Display over main banner on homepage


  1. Background Image
    If you’d like to show a background image, you upload that image here. It will show in the background of the body of the website (on top of the background color selected above). You can control the position and repeating of the background image using the following two settings…

  2. Background Position
    If using a background image, use this setting to determine where the image show show in the background.

  3. Background Repeat
    If using a background image, use this setting to determine if the image should repeat in the background (i.e. like a tile).
  4. Background Color
    Select the color for the website’s global background setting, specifically the body area (below the header and above the footer).


  1. Text/Link Color
    Select the color you’d like text and links to be in the header

  2. Link Hover Color
    Set the color for links when cursor hovers over them in the header

  3. Background Image
    Apply an image to the background of the header.  Minimum size 1920 x 374px

  4. Background Color
    If no background image provided, set the background color to be used.

  5. Account Menu Dropdown Background Color
    Set the background color to be used for the account menu and live search dropdowns using an RGBA format.  Unfamiliar with RGBA? Checkout to find the color you want (you can also control opacity!) and then copy the value from the field with "rgba" in it and paste it into this setting field.  For example, the RGBA value on this page -,0.71 - is rgba(99, 65, 210, 0.71)

  6. Search Text Color
    Set the text color for text in the search field

  7. Search Border Color
    Set the border color of the search field

  8. Search Background Color
    Set the search field background color using an RGBA format.  Unfamiliar with RGBA?  Checkout to find the color you want (you can also control opacity!) and then copy the value from the field with "rgba" in it and paste it into this setting field.  For example, the RGBA value on this page -,0.71 - is rgba(99, 65, 210, 0.71)  

Sticky Nav 

  1. Link Hover color
  2. Link Color
  3. Background Color

Sidebar Nav

  1. Link Color
  2. Link hover color
  3. Background Color

Product Detail

  1. Banner Image
    Recommend minimum size of 1200 x 300 pixels.
  2. Banner URL

Navigation Menu Keys

  1. "Why Buy From Us" Menu Key
    Enter a navigation element's key to display it for "Why Buy From Us" menu.  Learn more about navigation elements in eCom here:
  2. Header Action Menu Key
    Enter a navigation element's key to display it for Header menu.  Learn more about navigation elements in eCom here:
  3. Pre Store Link Menu Key
    Enter a navigation element's key to display it BEFORE the Store link in the sidebar menu.  Learn more about navigation elements in eCom here:
  4. Post Store Link Menu Key
    Enter a navigation element's key to display it AFTER the Store link in the sidebar menu.  Learn more about navigation elements in eCom here: 


  1. Field Text Color
  2. Field Background Color
  3. Field Border Color


  1. Text Color
    Select the color to use for text/links in the breadcrumb navigation and sidebar menus

  2. Highlight Color
    Select the color to use for highlighting active links in the breadcrumb navigation and sidebar menus


  1. Locations Map URL
    Embed a google map in the footer (you can get the embed URL from

  2. Background Color
    Set the background color of the footer element. Footer includes the newsletter, social icons and footer navigation menus.

  3. Label Color
    Set the color to use for labels in the footer element. Labels include Customer Service, Products, My Account, Get in Touch and Sign Up For Our Newsletter

  4. Text/Link Color
    Set the color to use for text and links in the footer element.

  5. Link hover color
    Set the color to change a link to when the cursor hover's over it

  6. Copyright Color
    Set the color of the copyright text in footer.

  7. Copyright Background
    Set the color of the background behind the copyright text.

  8. Livechat License No.
    If you’d like to use Livechat on your eCom website, sign up for an account at, then simply enter your License No. here.


  1. Body Text Color
    Select color to use for standard text within body area (between header/footer)

  2. Highlight Color
    Select a highlight color to be used on miscellaneous elements throughout the site to draw attention

  3. Secondary Highlight Color
    Set a secondary highlight color to be used on miscellaneous elements.

  4. Link Color
    Global link color setting. Select the color you’d like to use for links throughout the site (more specific link color settings will override this)

  5. Link (Hover) Color
    Select the color to use when user hovers over link with cursor (more specific link hover color settings will override this)


  1. Button - Text Color
    Select the color to use for text in standard button

  2. Button (Hover) - Text Color
    Select the color to use for text in standard button when user hovers over button with cursor

  3. Button - Background Color
    Select the background color to use for standard buttons throughout the site

  4. Button (Hover) - Background Color
    Select the background color to use for standard buttons when user hovers over button with cursor

  5. Light Button Text Color
    Set text color for "light" themed buttons

  6. Light Button Background color
    Set the background color for "light" themed buttons

  7. Light Button Text Hover Color
    Set text color for "light" themed buttons when cursor hovers over them

  8. Light Button Background Hover Color
    Set background color for "light" themed buttons when cursor hovers over them

  9. Dark Button Text Color
    Set text color for "dark" themed buttons

  10. Dark Button Background Color
    Set background color for "dark" themed buttons

  11. Dark Button Hover Text Color
    Set text color for "dark" themed buttons when cursor hovers over them

  12. Dark Button Hover Background Color
    Set background color for "dark" themed buttons when cursor hovers over them

  13. Highlight Button - Text Color
    Select the color to use for text in highlight button

  14. Highlight Button (Hover) - Text Color
    Select the color to use for text in highlight button when user hovers over button with cursor

  15. Highlight Button - Background Color
    Select the background color to use for highlight buttons throughout the site

  16. Highlight Button (Hover) - Background Color
    Select the background color to use for highlight buttons when user hovers over button with cursor


  1. Headings (Google Web Fonts)
    Select the font you’d like to use for headings in the site (see to preview font families)

  2. Standard (Google Web Fonts)
    Select font you’d like to use for standard text throughout site.

  3. Button (Google Web Fonts)
    Select font you’d like to use for buttons throughout site.

Contact Details

  1. Name
    Company name for use in theme

  2. Address
    Company address, used in “Visit us at” section, just above footer

  3. Phone number
    Company phone number, used in “Reach us by phone” section, just above footer

  4. Email
    Company email, used in “Email inquiries to” section, just above footer


  1. Reviews
    Turn on to show product reviews

  2. Collection - Lower Banner Ad Image
    Set image to show as lower banner ad on the collection/category products page.  Recommend size 1697 x 239  pixels.

  3. Newsletter
    Show newsletter form in footer

  4. Collection - Lower Banner Ad Link
    Set the URL that users should be sent to if they click on the lower banner ad on the collection/category products page.

  5. Brands
    Show brands link in main menu

  6. Show amount of products in the category

  7. Kiyoh
    Shop ID to activate widget

  8. Feedback Company
    Widget ID to activate

  9. Show stock level
    Activate to display stock levels on product page

  10. Show full title
    Displays full title of product

  11. Show Product Ad
    Activate to use theme’s product ads feature (see Setting Up Product Ads below)

  12. Featured Products Per Row
    Set the number of products to show per row when displaying featured products

  13. Grid Product Thumbnails Per Row
    Set to show the number of thumbnails to show per row for product thumbnails grid view


  1. Product Detail Image Width
    Width (in pixels) you'd like your product images to display on the product details page

  2. Product Detail Image Height
    Height (in pixels) you'd like your product images to display on the product details page

  3. Product Thumbnail Image Width
    Width (in pixels) you'd like your product images to display on thumbnail pages

  4. Product Thumbnail Image Height
    Height (in pixels) you'd like your product images to display on thumbnail pages

  5. Product image fit

  6. Category image fit

  7. Brand image fit

Social Media

  1. Pinterest
    Add your Pinterest URL to display the Pinterest icon in the header/footer

  2. Youtube
    Add your YouTube URL to display the YouTube icon in the header/ footer

  3. Tumblr
    Add your Tumblr URL to display the Tumblr icon in the header/footer

  4. Instagram
    Add your Instagram URL to display the Instagram icon in the header/footer

  5. Add This Widget ID
    If you want to show the "AddThis" sharing widget, add your AddThis account ID here.

  6. Facebook
    Add your Facebook URL to display the Facebook icon in the header/footer

  7. Twitter
    Add your Twitter URL to display the Twitter icon in the header/footer

  8. Google+
    Add your Google+ URL to display the Google+ icon in the header/footer

Homepage - Header

Settings to control the main (top of page, above navigation bar) banner sliders on the homepage.

  1. Make an Order Link URL
    Set the URL you'd like the "Make an Order" button to go to when clicked

  2. Learn More Link URL
    Set the URL you'd like the "Learn More" button to go to when clicked

  3. Font Color
    Set the color for standard text within the homepage header

  4. Slide (1,2,3) - Label
    Enter the label (first piece of text showing on top of slide) to show with slide (e.g. “GuitarCenter”)

  5. Slide (1,2,3) - Description
    Enter description (shows just below label; e.g. “We make intelligent projects…”)

  6. Slide (1,2,3) - Link
    If you’d like the slide to link somewhere, you can enter the relative or absolute URL here. Leave empty to not link anywhere.

  7. Slide (1,2,3) - Image
    Upload the larger image (in JPG image format) to use for slide (size 1800 x 847 pixels). This larger image will be used in larger screen environments (768px and wider)

  8. Slide (1,2,3) - Mobile Image
    Upload smaller image (in JPG image format) to use for slide (size 767 x 361 pixels). This smaller image will be used in smaller screen environments (767px or less, mobile).

Homepage - Deals

  1. Featured Deal - Expiration Date
    Set the expiration date for the featured deal.   If you provide a date, a clock will appear with the featured deal, counting down the weeks, days, hours, minutes and second until the featured deal expiration data. Required format is YYYY/MM/DD (Year/Month/Day).   Field is not required, leave empty and the clock will not display.
  2. Featured Deal - Link
    URL to send the user to when they click on the featured deal.
  3. Featured Detail - Image
    Image to show with the featured deal. Recommended size 219 x 404 pixels
  4. Featured Deal - Title
    Title of featured deal
  5. Featured Deal - Subtitle
    Subtitle of featured deal.
  6. Featured Deal - Price
    Price of featured deal.
  7. Deal (2/3) - Link
    URL to send users to when they click on deal
  8. Deal (2/3) - Image
    Image to display for deal. Recommend size 206 x 355 pixels for each image.
  9. Deal (2/3) - Title
    Title of deal
  10. Deal (2/3) - Subtitle
    Subtitle to show with deal
  11. Deal (2/3) - Price
    Price for deal

Homepage - Lower Banner

Control lower banner slider on homepage, just below Homepage Grid.

  1. Slide (1,2,3)
    Upload larger image (920px wide) as banner for this slide. This version will be used for screens larger than or equal to 768px wide.

  2. Slide (1,2,3) - Mobile
    Upload smaller image (480px wide) as banner for this slide. This version will be used for screens smaller than 768px wide.

  3. Slide (1,2,3) - Link
    Enter URL to link user to when slide is clicked on. If you don’t want to link anywhere, just enter #. If this field is left empty, slide will not be shown

  4. Slide (1,2,3) - Title

  5. Slide (1,2,3) - Subtitle


Homepage Dark Section

  1. Font Color
  2. Link Hover Color
  3. Background Color

Homepage Light Section

  1. Font Color
  2. Link Hover Color
  3. Background Color

Homepage Dark Medium Section

  1. Background Color

Homepage Light Medium Section

  1. Background Color

Homepage Sub-Hero

The sub-hero displays below the homepage header

  1. Title
    Set title of the homepage sub-hero.
  2. Subtitle
    Set the subtitle for the sub-hero
  3. Link
    Set the URL to send users to when they click on the sub-hero
  4. Image
    Set the image for the sub-hero.  Recommend size 1034 x 454 pixels

Homepage Testimonials

  1. Hide Testimonials
    Check this if you don't want to show the Testimonials section of the homepage.
  2. Slide (1,2,3) - Headshot
    Set the image to show for each testimonial.  Required image size of 124 x 124
  3. Slide (1,2,3) - Name
    Set the name to show with each testimonial
  4. Slide (1,2,3) - Quote
    Set the quote for each testimonial
  5. Slide (1,2,3) - Link
    Set the URL to link (if the user clicks on it) each testimonial to

Homepage History

  1. Title
    Set the title for the homepage history section.
  2. Subtitle
    Set the subtitle for the homepage history section.
  3. Sub-subtitle
    Set the sub-subtitle for the homepage history section.
  4. Years
    Set the years to show in homepage history section.
  5. Description
    Set the description to show in homepage history section.
  6. Link
    Set the URL for where to link users to when they click on the image in homepage history
  7. Image
    Set the image to display in the homepage history section.  Recommend size 814 x 466 pixels

Homepage - Social Plugins

Control the social plugins displayed at the bottom of homepage

  1. Text Color
    Set the color for text in the social plugins section of the homepage

  2. Link Hover Color
    Set the color for links when cursor hovers of them in social plugin section of homepage

  3. Background Image
    Set the background image of the social plugins section of the homepage.

  4. Google Plus User ID
    Enter user ID for your google plus account to show recent activities. Leave empty if you don’t want to display this plugin

  5. Facebook URL
    URL to your facebook page to load facebook plugin on homepage. Leave empty if you don’t want to display this plugin

  6. Twitter Timeline URL
    Your twitter URL page for timeline plugin to be displayed on homepage. Leave empty if you don’t want to display this plugin.

  7. Twitter Timeline Widget ID
    Widget ID from your twitter account's timeline widget, loads timeline on homepage social plugin section.

  8. Twitter Username
    Username for your twitter account, loads with plugin on homepage. This displays at the bottom of the plugin

  9. Blog Logo (Mini)
    Display at the bottom of blog plugin. Recommend PNG format with transparent background, size 120 x 30 pixels.

Change Log

  • 11/6/2018
    • Added theme field to hide Testimonials section on homepage

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